Express Appliance offers drop-off locations for old appliances, or curbside pick up for a nominal fee. Dishwasher, refrigerator, washer or dryer, we'll save you time and money by recycling your old appliances for you! Regardless of whether your appliance is beyond repair or ready for an upgrade, let us take your old appliances off your hands for a hassle free recycling experience. Recycling your appliance is the best way to make sure that it is properly taken care of after you've moved on from it. The best way to recycle appliances is to let the experts handle it. Appliances contain substances, such as freon, and materials that need to be properly disposed of and cared for properly.
Feel free to give us a call and consult with you about appliance repair or appliance parts before you prematurely recycle your appliance. Sometimes just a bit of attention can make a big difference.